This year, I have attended several networking meetings where the moderator has questioned a room full of business owners – “What is the largest struggle you face with your business” or “If we were to hold an informational seminar, what topic would interest you most.” Every time a question of this nature is asked, the first response is related to advertising/marketing.

Every business owner wants advertising solutions that are easy, effective and the biggest “bang for the buck.”

THE PROBLEM: These business owners don’t have time to research every available option, schedule meetings with every representative, thoroughly analyze each opportunity, then make the best decisions to suit their needs, while running every other aspect of their company. It is overwhelming! This is why larger companies hire outside advertising agencies, or internal marketing managers.

THE RESULT: Most small to medium size business owners end up making hasty or on-the-spot advertising decisions based on how they are feeling the moment they are approached. They may not ask all the important questions. The quick choice might be a positive experience, or it could result in regret and cause the business owner to feel discouraged about making future advertising decisions.


When it comes to print advertising (at least in Central Florida), we have created a convenient checklist to help you compare other advertising options to the distribution, quality and affordability of Look Local. This is a quick and easy way to make sure you are asking the most important questions and selecting the best print advertising option for your business.

Print Advertising Checklist

Quick Tips – Always calculate the cost per piece and consider whether it’s mailed directly to the consumer or distributed in another way. Plus: ASK FOR PROOF! If the company is unable to provide proof of mailing or distribution, you may not be getting all of what you’re paying for.


Author: Crystal Scribner

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